School of Mining & Mineral Resources Hosts Critical Minerals Symposium

May 9, 2024

The University of Arizona‘s School of Mining & Mineral Resources opened a dialogue between the mining industry, academic researchers and government representatives at the AZ Critical Minerals Symposium. Co-hosted with global mining and metals company South32, the symposium covered the critical role of mining in Arizona and prominently featured MGE faculty.

"Critical minerals are key, whether they're used for our phones, our computers, our cars, or medical devices," said Elliott Cheu, UA interim senior vice president of Research and Innovation. “It allows us as a university to lean into supporting the mining industry. This is an economic boon for the region, but it also showcases how important Arizona is in this ecosystem, and how we as a university can partner in robust ways with industry and our community to ensure that we have a supply of critical minerals that meets the nation's needs.”

Moderated by MGE department head Kray Luxbacher, the symposium panel included Lea Márquez Peterson, Arizona Corporation Commissioner, and Joellen Russell, department head of Geosciences.

“Today we've heard a lot about copper, even though we're working with South32 on zinc and manganese,” Dr. Luxbacher said. “Copper is synonymous with mining and Arizona, and zinc and manganese will be as well. But Arizona also produces a lot of aggregates and industrial minerals, so the Hermosa project will impact the entire mining industry in Arizona and in the United States."