About MGE
More Than Classrooms, More Than Mining
Mining & Geological Engineering has been part of the University of Arizona since its founding in 1885. Today academic programs provide high-tech, hands-on experience in mining metals, aggregates and other minerals for green energy, urban infrastructure and advanced computer systems.
Paid internships, expert faculty, research opportunities, modern equipment, and skill-building at the one-of-a-kind San Xavier underground mine prepare diverse classes of students for highly paid professional jobs in constant demand.
MGE’s close-knit environment includes a number of clubs and organizations – among them the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration and Women in Mining – some of which field internationally competitive teams in mine design and underground rescue.
High-profile discoveries in early detection of rock hazards, metals extraction, water reuse, lunar mining, and other important research areas round out a department dedicated to safety, efficiency and sustainability.
The MGE Experience
Bettering the World
Angelina Anani, associate professor of MGE, describes the objective of her work in the MGE department.
"The general goal is to try and come up with decision support tools that make the industry better, makes people safe and help us extract minerals in a sustainable way."

Academics for Success
One-on-one mentoring and hands-on experience are hallmarks of UA Mining and Geological Engineering. Internships, research experiences, design projects, and activities in clubs and professional organizations prepare students for success in industry and as leaders in a variety of fields.
Earn your bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree in the Department of Mining and Geological Engineering.
Get set for a professional career in mining engineering – plan and operate surface and underground mines and processing facilities, survey ore deposits, reclaim mine sites, and develop modern mining processes and technology, for starters!
Local Influence, Global Significance
Set in a state that is No. 1 in copper production and metal mining, the University of Arizona Department of Mining and Geological Engineering conducts research and develops products critical not only to the local economy but also to companies across the globe.
Mission of Sustainability
The UA Department of Mining and Geological Engineering is committed to helping supply human society with the materials for a sustainable future, from aggregates to metals, and developing new ways to use and reuse them.
Fast Facts
student-faculty ratio
birth of UA School of Mines
250 feet
depth of the San Xavier Mining Lab
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