Mining Students Strike Gold at Design Day 2024

May 1, 2024

Students on Team 24076 present and win big for their project, Phase 3 Pit Design.


MGE students rocked the competition at the 2024 Craig M. Berge Design Day.

Students had two semesters to design, prototype and test their projects to compete for $49,000 in prizes on April 29. The teams this year persevered through novel challenges and challenging setbacks to find solutions to some of society’s toughest problems.

“It’s about designing, prototyping, testing, failing, trying again, and leaning on your teammates. But ultimately, it’s about making the world a better place. I’m really proud of all our engineers, mentors and sponsors,” said David W. Hahn, Craig M. Berge Dean of the college, to open the award ceremony.

Team 24076 won the School of Mining & Mineral Resources Lundin Award for Innovation in Mining, which came with a $1,500 prize. Their project, Phase 3 Pit Design, was sponsored by Capstone Mining Corporation and UA Mining and Geological Engineering.

Learn more about award-winning Design Day projects here