Nathalie Risso

Nathalie Risso is an assistant professor with the Department of Mining and Geological Engineering at the University of Arizona. Dr. Risso is the director of the Mine Automation and Autonomous Systems Laboratory, which focuses on the integration of automation under a cyber-physical systems approach to enable autonomous behavior. Her research as a strong focus on the development of solutions for mining applications intended to operate in harsh and low connectivity environments, where robustness and autonomous systems collaboration is a design requirement. She has extensive experience as a consultant in the development of automation and autonomous systems solutions for the mining and energy industry sector. Dr. Risso has led several R+D industry and government initiatives in the area of machine learning and control systems. She has also collaborated in the development of mining and energy policies, where stakeholders’ participation, such as underrepresented minorities and native communities, was a key aspect. Dr. Risso is an advocate of making engineering welcoming for everyone.
- PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Arizona, United States
- MS Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Arizona, United States
- BS Electrical Engineering
- Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile
Work Experience
- Freelance (2017 - Ongoing)
Electric circuits, machine learning, computer vision, control systems
Cyber-physical systems, automation and autonomy, machine learning, renewable energy
Intro to Mine Power Systems
MNE 204 (Spring 2024)
MNE 204 (Spring 2023)
MNE 204 (Spring 2022)
Machine Learning
MNE 559 (Fall 2024)
MNE 559 (Fall 2023)
Independent Study
MNE 599 (Fall 2024)
MNE 599 (Fall 2023)
MNE 699 (Spring 2023)
MNE 900 (Fall 2024)
MNE 910 (Fall 2024)
MNE 910 (Summer I 2024)
MNE 910 (Spring 2024)
MNE 910 (Fall 2023)
Licensure & Certification
- Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies, Stanford University (2020)
- International Engineering Educator, International Society of Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) (2021)ed Publications
- Banasiak, D., Budzik, T., Gudra, T., Herman, K., Opielinski, K. J., & Risso, N. (2020). A Study of a Parametric Method for the Snow Reflection Coefficient Estimation Using Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Waves. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 20(15). doi:10.3390/s20154267
Proceedings Publications
- Werner, J. D., Akbulut, N. B., Heath, G., Risso, M. ., Riley, D., Anani, A., & Tenorio Gutierrez, V. O. (2024, Spring). Preprint 24-069 Outlining a Roadmap for the Deployment of a DIgital Twin System for the San Xavier Mine Laboratory. In 2024 SME MineXchange. SME Annual Meeting, Feb. 25 – Feb 28, 2024, Phoenix, AZ, 4.
- Risso, N., Johnson, A. M., Olson, E. A., & Sprinkle, J. (2017). Fuzzy control of an autonomous car using a smart phone. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), 1-6.
- Nanez, P., Risso, N., Sanfelice, R. G., & Risso, M. N. (2014). A symbolic simulator for hybrid equations. In Proceedings of Summer Simulation Conference 2014.